How to Choose a Location
All plants, whether you grow it for its fruits, roots, stem or leaves need sunlight. In general, vegetables, fruits, and even herbs need at least 6 hours of sun. Filtered sunlight is acceptable if you
All plants, whether you grow it for its fruits, roots, stem or leaves need sunlight. In general, vegetables, fruits, and even herbs need at least 6 hours of sun. Filtered sunlight is acceptable if you
We like to start plants from seed, mostly because we know exactly what variety we will get, and also because we are in complete control of the conditions, the water, heat, soil, compost, and organic
Once the roots have reached the edges of the sprout container, it is ready to either move to a bigger pot, bed, or ground. We start our seeds in peat pods or pots so the
I love propagating by cuttings! There are so many advantages with the biggest one being you’ve saved time! You can skip the seed to sprout to maturity stages. For example, if you grow a fruiting
How deep do we plant a seed? How far apart do we space the seeds? It’s much simpler than you might think. There is no need to dig a black hole in which to drop
How do you plant small seeds? Lettuce, kale, spinach, raddish, carrot, dill and basil are commonly grown vegetables and herbs that have small seeds. When I first planted lettuce seeds, I sprinkled them lightly on
There are a few ways to save seeds. Ultimately the method depends on the type of plant. Leafy plants and herbs flower then produce seeds, a process called bolting. When the seeds from leafy greens
This method can be used to sprout many small seeds indoors. We often use it to determine which packs of older seeds are still viable. All you do is wet two sheets of paper towels
When a plant bolts, all that means is that it’s at the end of its life cycle. It will start to taste bitter and grow a thick stem in the middle of the leaves. The
Why prune? Pruning removes dying, dead, or diseased branches and growth, returning energy to the plant. Instead of keeping the old growth alive, the plant can redirect its energy toward new healthy growth. In some